What to Do When You Want to Give Up

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Have you ever had one of those days (or weeks) when everything seemed to be going wrong?

It’s one thing after another and as hard as you try to hold it all together, you know that one more thing…just one more…will push you over the edge?

Friend, you are not alone!

In fact, I felt the same way this past week.

 With two writing assignments due and a busy weekend of dance recitals approaching, you can imagine my response when I went to my website and found this warning:


Caution! The site ahead contains MALWARE.


My website was shut down.

Blacklisted by Google.

No one was accessing it, including me.

No working website meant no access to my posts.

I had no way to retrieve what I had previously written to finish my assignments.

In addition, I had no idea what malware was, but I knew it couldn’t be good.

After much investigation and help from some friends, I found out that someone hacked into my account and began wreaking havoc on the backend of my website. 

Remember the one more thing?

I was nearing the edge.

Frustration set in as I felt the vulnerability of the malicious attack.  

That is exactly what it was: an attack.

Not just on my website, but on my message.

The topics I wrote about would draw people closer to Jesus and their spouses.

Knowing it was an attack, I went into full-on warfare mode.

I prayed and rebuked, declaring what I knew to be true:

Jesus was in control and He would not let me fail!

My job was not to get distracted from writing.

It seemed so simple.

Stay focused and God would take care of the rest.

However, what I didn’t anticipate, was that the problems would last an entire week.

What happens when you fight an ongoing problem for a week straight?

You can start to become weary.

I was growing tired and irritated from dealing with the issues, which in turn began to affect my writing.

It seemed like the more I prayed, the more distractions and problems arose.

It was like being in a large storm.

The winds came on strong and just when it felt like they were dying down, I realized I was in the eye and there were more winds coming.  

We should expect the storms when we are doing things to impact the Kingdom.

I know this.

But I also know that we can have peace in the midst of the storm.

What good is worrying when there’s nothing in your control that you can do?

 In fact, as I’m sitting here typing right now, I’m dealing with more problems that have developed.

I’m choosing to let it go.

If I focus on them, it will lead to more worrying and no solutions.

But I can learn from this week.

There are 3 “takeaways” that will help me the next time I’m having a rough week. Perhaps they will help you too!

 Do you ever have one of those day or weeks that make you want to give up? Here are 3 Tips on what to do when you want to give up. #dontgiveup #persevere

What to Do When You Want to Give Up

Keep Praying

Even when it seems your prayers aren’t working, keep praying!

Many times we come up against things that are not flesh and blood.

There are times when things are happening in the unseen realm that we do not understand or we aren’t even aware they exist. But we can rest assure that God hears our cries and is working on our behalf. Last week as I prayed, I wanted to give up when I didn’t see a change in my circumstances right away.

This scripture was so encouraging to me:

 “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.” Daniel 10:12 NIV

I was doing work for the Lord.

I could trust that He was taking care of the details.

Every time my mind began to worry, I would give my situation back over to Him.

It was in His hands.

He is capable and willing to handle all my circumstances.

Trusting in Him is the key to my peace in the midst of the storm. 

Take a step back

When I began to get emotional and the frustration was taking over, I heard God whispering for me to take a step back.

I was so busy trying to do a million things at once that I was overwhelming myself.

I was worrying about how my website would be fixed, who was going to fix it, and how I could prevent this from happening in the future.

All the worrying was dragging me down.

If you’ve ever tried to accomplish something in a worried state, you know that it’s not very fruitful.

I had to take a step back from my website and from writing and really do something I enjoyed.

So I went to Whole Foods.

My mom and I packed up the kids and did a little grocery shopping.

I needed a change of atmosphere.

It’s amazing how walking away for a bit renews your perspective.

Be pro-active 

I found out after my website was back up that there were some things I could have done to prevent the hack.

Apparently it is very important to keep your devices up to date.

Leaving them on the old version leaves your electronics exposed to all kinds of undesirable risks.

It is the same with our spiritual lives.

When we don’t stay up to date with the Lord, we are more susceptible to being worn down.

I need a fresh connection with Jesus every day.

He gives me enough grace for today, not enough for several days.

When I spend time with Him daily, my mind is fresh, my soul is at ease and my emotions are under control.

I have enough margin to handle the hiccups that the day or week brings.

What do you do when you want to give up?

Do you press through in your own strength or do you rely on the Lord to help?

Relying on our own strength usually ends up in frustration and exhaustion. But as we begin relying on God, His peace will envelop us.

Are you having a bad day? Take a step back, spend time in the word and keep on praying. God is working in ways you can’t see!

Father, thank you for always being there for us. Thank you that when we are experiencing a bad day or week, we don’t have to go through it alone. Help us to relax when things get intense. Remind us to take a step back in order to see things from Your perspective. Guard our hearts during these times, Lord. Thank you for working on our behalf. We trust in You to care for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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  1. Wow, I’m sorry you had such a time with your website! Those are good tips no matter what situation we find ourselves in. It’s important to keep praying even if it seems like nothing is happening. We can trust God to do what is best. It’s hard to step back sometimes, because we just want to get everything done, but it really does help to do something else to take out minds off the problems for awhile. Thank you for this encouragement. I’m visiting from #CoffeeforYourHeart.

    1. Thanks, Gayl! It’s so true, isn’t it? It seems the very things we don’t want to do (keep praying, step back, etc) are exactly what we should be doing! Thank you so much for visiting today!

  2. Great wisdom. Thank you.

  3. Alisa, I am so sorry you were having all this trouble. We would hate for your posts to be gone. Thank you so much for bringing us out on the other end and showing us how you got through the storm and didn’t just escape it. We need that kind of encouragement! Thanks for sharing with us at #SittingAmongFriends.

    1. Thanks, Jaime! It’s so amazing to me how God doesn’t waste one ounce of our hardships. He always uses it to teach us and grow us and mold us more into His image. Thanks for visiting!

  4. WOW that sounds insane! I’m so glad you were able to find some take-aways from the situation! And prayer is a great takeaway – sometimes I can spin my wheels like crazy when something’s going wrong and it takes me WAY too long to remember to pray. I hope one of these days it’s my first go-to response to anything, good or bad!

    1. I hear you, Kylie! It was a rough week. But God is so good, He’s not wasting it. It’s amazing the things I’ve learned in this short period of time!

  5. Your website issues sound like my biggest nightmare come true. The lessons you learned from this unfortunate attack are ones that will carry you through bigger storms down the road. Your points are ones you would think we already know and turn to as soon as the storms hit. But much like you, I go into overdrive and become overwhelmed. Thank you for the reminder that prayer is always the best place to start. Visiting you from Dawn’s linkup today.

    1. I agree, Mary! It seems we learn the most in the hard times. This was a great opportunity for me to learn! Thanks for visiting today. Have a great week!

  6. Oh, Alisa, that sounds like a terrible week! However, I just love the spiritual truths you pulled out of the muck. I have had a few conversations with God lately that went something like this….God, are you allowing this challenge into my life so I can learn from it and write about it? It seems like there have been days that left me wondering……..

    1. I’ve had these same conversations, Sarah! The hard times are the times where we seem to learn the most. There is usually a “take away” to be used for future struggles. Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. This was my yesterday. I’ve already let it carry over into today, I needed this. Thanks so much!

    1. I’m so glad it encouraged you Amber! Thank you for stopping by. Have a rest of your week!

  8. The evidence of your perseverance is right here – in this post! Great words of wisdom and insight for the weary. Visiting from #IntentionalTuesday.

    1. So true, Denise! That was another lesson I learned. The only difference between those who accomplish great things and those who don’t is perseverance. Thanks for visiting! Have a great weekend.

  9. Alisa – I can’t even begin to imagine how I would handle finding out my site was done. I hate technology and am so technically challenged the slightest thing gets me frustrated in no time. I am so grateful you were able to get back up and even had lessons to share from the experience. Isn’t great that nothing goes to waste with God – He redeems and makes beautiful lessons even in the hardest, toughest circumstances. Thanks for giving us 3 practical ways… we are neighbors at several linkups today, but I am stopping by from #FreshMarketFriday

    1. That is so true Debbie! The lessons learned in the hard times are the priceless ones. Thanks for visiting today! Have a great weekend!

  10. I lost a loved one this week so my tip is to rest and be patient with the process. I like processes that are neat and tidy–you know a little list or something. But grief is not neat and tidy so I am in the mess of it and allowing myself to rest and not be so productive. Visiting from #coffeeforyourheart today 🙂

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that Angela! Grief is such a hard thing, isn’t it? Praying for you and that God would cover you in His grace.

  11. Oh, I’ve so been there! I know the fight to get in Google’s good graces again! I appreciate the tips…it’s been one of those weeks for me too! Thanks for the reminder.

    1. It’s horrible, isn’t it Lisa?? My goodness, that was rough. It was reinfected like 2 or 3 times after that. So glad at least I got a lesson out of it! Have a great weekend!

  12. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this. I can totally understand how upsetting it is.

    Your perspective and advice here is wonderful. I especially like your point about keeping connected/up to date with God. YES!

    Wonderful post and I’m glad to hear things are improving.

    Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop).

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  13. I am so sorry you had a really bad week…. but you made it through…Yay! I too have had so many weeks like you describe and the only thing that got ( and still gets) me through them is a prayer in my heart and relying upon God. I do hope you have a better week and that you continue to bless others lives with your mission and I hope that whatever trials come and go you will always be supported in them. x

    1. Thanks Jade! Yes, prayer is powerful! Thank you for reading today. Have a great weekend!

  14. So sorry you had issues with your site. I am so grateful that in the midst of it, you brought a message for us all when we have a rough patch. May I remember that the rough days do not last forever. We do get through by God’s grace and mercy.

    1. Thank the Lord they don’t last forever! Great perspective, Joanne! Have a terrific weekend!

  15. Alisa, I’m so sorry you had to go through that! I know it must have been super frustrating – especially with deadlines looming. It’s hard to pray more and be still, but that is exactly what we must do when we’ve done all we can do.

    I remember seeing your graphic up there in CBB this week and I liked what you did with it! So glad things are up and running again, gal! Keep steady and strong.

    Thanks for linking at Tuesday Talk each week! (If you ever need to go deeper with your co-hosting questions, pm me!)

  16. I really needed this today! Last week was a tough one for me. I got some really bad news last Monday and now, a week and a half later, it’s still not resolved. I needed to be reminded that He is in control and to keep on praying. I am being proactive about it which makes it even more difficult to trust Him when nothing seems to change. As for taking a step back, I think I’ll spend this afternoon relaxing by the pool. I need to get away. Thanks for posting this!

    1. I’m so glad this was a help to you Charlene! It’s so hard to wait on the Lord, isn’t it? Our naturally reaction is to do, do, do. I’m finding that when I try to take over and “make it happen” I end up messing it all up and becoming more frustrated. Good for you for taking a time out and letting Him work! Have a wonderful, relaxing day!

  17. Keep praying, take a step back and be pro-active….three things I have kept in mind throughout the week as a routine mammogram has not been so routing afterall. Thankful you shared this message and encouraging you to continue because you never know what struggle God will use to minister and encourage others. Sorry you experienced such a frustrating experience but glad you drew such gold nugget wisdom from it:) Crystal~

    1. Thanks Crystal! Praying for you and believing that God is working this out on your behalf!

  18. Alisa,
    What a frustrating and stressful week! But you know what I love about it? You faced it, grabbed onto Jesus and His truth, and fought back! And what the enemy wanted to use to stop you from reaching people with the Word of God, You and Jesus used to shine His light even brighter by writing this post! Thank you for the great big HOPE you are sharing here with that! It is most definitely something I needed to hear right now, too. It has been a tough month and the enemy is trying His best to make me shut down the computer and just stop writing about Jesus. So, thank you for the encouragement! And thank you for sharing this with us at Moments of Hope! I love have your hope-filled words there!

    1. Thank you so much for that encouragement, Lori! Looking past the irritations is not always easy, but I know that if I push through there is a reward on the other side. Have a great weekend!!

  19. Thank you AlisA for sharing this with us. You are a treasure. Sometimes we take a deep breath on the other end of His lesson and then move on. But not you. You thought about us Thank you.

    1. Thanks Christine! Honestly, I figured if I’m going through it, someone else probably is too! I’m so glad you stopped by today.

  20. I’m so sorry this happened to you Alisa, but glad everything got worked out and the great lessons you learned from it. There are always life lessons for us, aren’t there? So glad I found you via pinterest.

    1. Thanks, Amy! You are so right, there is always lessons to be learned from hardship! Thanks for stopping by, hope your having a great weekend!

  21. I feel as if this was written for me. I feel as if one more thing and I may implode. Yet I felt like that about five “things” ago. How simple and true it is just to cry out to God. As much as I don’t want the situations I’m in, God has been faithful in guiding me through them. He is such a comfort to my soul.

    1. That is so good, Natalie!! I tend to try to fix everything myself and when I can’t then I turn to God. Taking in His grace to seek Him first!

  22. Hi Alisa, its like you were in my space for the last few weeks. Great post. I love the 3 steps to help the next time you want to give up. Great encouragement
    God bless

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